viernes, 12 de febrero de 2010


Nature Trail at the Curu National Refuge. We were promised monkeys but we didn't find any there.
Killer Trail with Matt and Joe. We decided not to go on that one.
Botched Panoramic of part of the Bahia Ballena.
The truly hideous paint job that we completed to try to make the restaurant look better.
Me and Sixto the groundskeeper. He is actually a pretty good pal now. He quit hitting on me.
Beach volleyball on the Isla Tortuga with my German BFF Kerstin.
Me with Starfish, after snorkeling. Behind me is Juan, our guapo tour guide and next to me in Matt, on his way to becoming a little less pasty white.
How lucky am I, right?Joe and Me after our hike to this secluded beach which was supposed to be all white sand..... It was just a lot of rocks.

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